To Use Steroids or Not to Use Steroids

Steroids before and after

To Use or Not to Use

Although the non-therapeutic use of steroids is illegal, I guess it’s up to each individual to decide whether he wants to use them or not; and whether he wants to go through life as a bodybuilder, a natural bodybuilder or a true natural bodybuilder.

However, before making the big step, please consider the following disadvantages of being a drug user:

* Non-therapeutic use of these drugs is illegal in most countries.

* If you are a competitive athlete you are cheating and may test positive.

* You will experience side effects and may be taking serious health risks. You need to be taking additional drugs to prevent or treat the side effects of the drugs you already took.

* Drug use may be addictive. You may lose your motivation to train without them.

* You may have to spend lots of money. Some drugs are very expensive.

* You give the sport a bad image. Bodybuilding is already very strongly associated with drug use.

* You will have to lie to everybody about your drug use. Will you tell it to your girlfriend or wife? What if she finds out?

* Most women don’t like doped bodybuilders. They find a Mr.Olympia type of physique, or anything close to that, very unattractive. But homosexuals tend to love this look and find it attractive.

* You might have to buy your drugs on the black market or the internet, and end up with fake or even dangerous stuff.

* You cannot really be proud of your results as most of them exist because of the drugs, not because of good genetics, proper diet, and hard training.

* How far will you go? Which and how much drugs will you use? How much money will you spend on them? Will you stop when you get female breasts, lose your hair, get severe acne and become impotent, or will
you continue till you get serious heart disease, diabetes or even cancer?

* When you stop using the drugs, you will lose a big part of all your muscle gains.

* End of the day is it really worth all the trouble??

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Steroid User Jokes, Fears & Guide Lists

A woman walked up to a bald little old man rocking in a chair on his porch. “I couldn’t help noticing how happy you look,” she said. “What’s your secret for a long happy life?” “I take huge amounts of testosterone every week, as well as growth hormone, DNP, winstrol, deca, T3 and diuretics. Besides that I party hard every weekend, take ecstasy, cocaine and drink like hell” “That’s amazing,” the woman said. “How old are you?” “Twenty-six,” he said.


Roiders Top Fears list:

1. Cardio.
2. Carbs.
3. Body Weighted exercises.
4. Not enough protein.
5. Track suit pants are in the wash.
6. Not using a split routine.
7. Ran out of Rogaine.
8. Losing Cellucor contract.
9. Inspirations count is not high enough.
10. NickEdge is not my friend.
11. Someone replaced steroids with estrogen.
12. Bitch tits look like they are starting to lactate.
13. Oldsterobolins passed away from a steroid induced heart attack.
14. No more top inspirations list.
15. No more body space models competitions.
16. Camera not working.
17. Mirror making roider look smaller.
18. No more Isolation exercises.
19. No more keto diet.
20. Getting banned from

Roiders fear natural achievement, and they also fear missing a cycle.

Roiders main fear is education!

Only 1 per cent of bodybuilders get their nutritional information from registered dietitians. The same percentage of builders derive their dietary information from family members and friends – or from television! In contrast, about 50 per cent of all bodybuilders receive their primary nutritional advice from other bodybuilders, and 17 per cent rely on bodybuilding magazines.

Overall, ’someone who has recently won a contest is viewed as a far more credible source of nutritional information than a nutritionist or an exercise scientist.

How to spot a juicer guide:

They wear extra small t-shirts, usually there little 8 year old brothers shirts.
They get jobs working as bouncers or security guards.
They are usually slamming weights to the floor at the gym.
They sometimes wear extra large shirts, to cover there roid growth.
They have zits and pimples all over there arms and back.
They have bad breath, balding hair, bad attitude, arrogant.
They never do cardio, wow they walk, 90 year old women can do that!
They hate doing body weighted exercises.
They say its the supplements.
They start getting bitch tits.
They have sets of pictures all ripped, then pictures of them fat.
They say they are natural because they compete in natural comps.
They have a profile on with only 8-10 pictures or 1-2 years worth of progression!


Why do Roiders always Deny being on Steroids?

-They spend enough money on it, why not tell everyone?

-Or is it because when people find out or better yet see that they are on it. They automatically will lose respect for there weak ability to do it naturally?

-Or is it simple because people will know that they are just cheaters!?

-Or are they embarrassed they have no balls down there?

-Or they are afraid of losing there bodyspace fan base?

-Why are some of them not against steroid use, but are to afraid to admit taking?

-Is it because they compete in natural bodybuilding events?……….lol


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