Brunos All Elite Female Group Training

Brunos Fitness All Female Group Training

My group training=No bootcamp waste of time bullsh*t!

This is more one on one style training for you girls. You also get resistance training and a nutrition program.

Which are the two main components in weight loss and muscle definition, which will actually help you girls achieve some serious long term results.

Boot camps stress on cardio, yes cardio is a great thing, but in order to maintain your goals of weight loss and definition you have to eat right and train right. Lifting a 3-5kg dumbbell or kettle bell in your bootcamp is not sufficient enough, and the amount of repetitions you are doing are too high in order to stress the muscle enough so it can grow, which is the point in resistance training. More muscle will increase your metabolism, which will then allow your body to burn fat.

You girls are not just another number, I will monitor all of your progress every session.

Fact: In most boot camps you will very quickly reach a plateau. Which means your results will stop improving in only a short peroid of time.

Example: Boxing and jogging every single session=Plateau

Truth: Majority of bootcamps are a money market for the companies and their trainers. I’m all about honesty, speaking the truth and getting you the results you always wanted.

WHAT I OFFER BEING YOUR GROUP INSTRUCTOR: Variety of challenging training sessions with efficient resistance training and education in nutrition.
Which are the two main components in weight loss and muscle definition, which makes long lasting results.

Measurements, Tests and Photos will be conducted every 6 weeks.

Every session is something new, not boxing and jogging around like a chicken without a head at every single session.

I used to watch other trainers. I would look on and question, would I pay money to be trained like that? So in doing that, I have a lot of pride that comes along with my training sessions. So I make my sessions that good, that I even I would pay for them.

Every Wednesday night at 7:30pm
Pay as you go, $25 bucks each session.
Also every Saturday mornings at 8:30am

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Thigh Toning Treadmill Routine

0:00 Warm-up: Walk at a moderate pace (about 6.0-6.5 kph).

5:00 Shuffle: Turn to left and walk sideways, like you’re shuffling, hands on hips (about 4.0-4.5 kph).

7:00 Walk briskly (normal form, about 5.5-6.0 kph)

9:00 Shuffle, facing right side.

11:00 Walk briskly.

13:00 Shuffle, facing left side.

15:00 Walk briskly.

17:00 Shuffle, facing right side.

19:00 Walk briskly.

21:00 Walk backward (reduce speed as much as necessary and slowly increase it as you acclimate).

23:00 Walk briskly.

25:00 Cool-down: Walk at a moderate pace (about 4.5-5.0 kph).

30:00 Finished.

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Strength Training for Women


I know this girl. She used to go the gym 5 days a week. Alternating cardio machines for 90 mins. She wasn’t overweight. But neither was she “toned” as she desired. She was skinny & fat.

Yes that exists: skinny & fat. That’s how you become when you don’t give your body the nutrition it needs for recovery. Your body burns muscles & holds fat.

I told her once to get into strength training & eat more healthy. But I got the classic response: “I don’t want to end up bulky & muscular like a man”.

You Won’t Get Bulky. Remember: your bodyweight depends on the amount of calories you eat & expend. Strength training will make you gain muscle & lose fat. But you’ll stay at the same bodyweight unless you start eating more.

Women have lower testosterone levels than men. Muscle mass & strength depend on your testosterone levels. The only way women can get as muscular as man is by using steroids or pro-hormones.

CrossfitBenefits for Women. I wrote about the reasons to starts strength training in the past. They’re the same for women:

* Less Fat. More muscles, decreased body fat at the same bodyweight.
* Balanced Physique. Many women are skinny in the upperbody & bulky in their legs. Strength training will

balance your physique.
* Increased Bone Density. Lifting weights prevents osteoporosis.
* Blood Circulation. Helps combat cellulites on thighs & glutes.
* More strength. Pregnancy, holding baby, householdery,… gets easier.
* Fun. Women really like sports from my experience, especially when they have fun while getting results.
* Physical Activity. Whether it is strength training or something else: you need physical activity to stay “sane”.

How Women Should Train. Same as men. Same exercises. Same sets & reps. Same programs. If your goal is toning up & losing fat, strength is your tool.

Focus on getting stronger on the Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift, Overhead Press & Pull-up. Get on the beginner strength training program.

Women’s Results. The difference in testosterone levels will influence the results you’ll achieve as a woman. In general:

* Increased muscle mass. But less than a man.
* Decreased body fat. 16% for women is the same as 10% for men.
* Increased strength. But again less than a man.

In terms of physique, look at the woman above at CrossFit. She is Cankle free, slender legs, flat stomach,
she is athletic, in shape & not bulky. Women of crossfit are also much more attractive and desired by men, then your common party girl.
Their secret is simple: training hard, consistently, eating correctly & living a healthy lifestyle.

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