Overcoming a Major Set Back in Life

Below are seven steps and ideas to get your body and mind back on track, from overcoming a major set back in your life.

1. Try and keep the circumstances or situation in perspective. Will this be as big an issue in 10 years as it is today?

2 Evaluate the situation in light of your entire life.

3. Focus on what you have, not what you lost. This isn’t any easy step when you are neck deep in pain, sorrow or grief, but continuing to focus on what is no longer tends to keep you locked in the past and a state of ‘no positive action’.

4. Do something, anything to re-focus your thoughts, energy or activities in a positive or more healthy direction.

5. If it is a loss of a relationship or loved one, remember all that you had with them that was good and positive.

6. Remember you can’t change what has happened, but you can change the future. You change your future in your present moments. You also create all of your positive or negative memories in your present moments.

7. Keep in mind the concept that you don’t always get to determine what comes into your life, but you always get the choice of how to react or respond to it.

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BFit Client of the Year 2011 (Carl Wendt)



Carl Carlos Wendt has lost 24 kilos / 53 pounds in the last 5 months of his training.
18% body fat lose in 5 months. Power and performance increase by double.

I’m proud to have Carl as my Bfit client of the year for 2011. Give me 10 more clients like Carl and I would be the luckiest trainer in the world. Carls life has changed for the better. His results are only going to get even better as more time goes on. Watch his 1 year update in time to come.
Congrats Carl!!

2011 Results
Before weight 130kg After weight 106kg
Before body fat 36.1% After body fat 18.5%

Carl’s Performance:
Beginning Bench Max 70kg
Present Bench Max 140kg

2 Min Tests:
Before After
Pushups-21 / 82
Situps-22 / 58
Burpees-19 / 55

1 Lap around Merrylands oval
Approximately 400meters

Before 2min 45.48 seconds After 1min 5.25seconds
Improvement of 1 min and 40 seconds!!

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Can I afford BrunosFitness Personal Training?


Personal training is a luxury. Not everyone can afford it, even though most people need it.

Like anything else in life, you have to pay for an expert to provide a service for you.. It’s no different then paying an attorney, an accountant, or an IT professional.

If you’ve walked into your local gym and asked how much they charge per session they’ve probably given you a number you felt to be a little too high- somewhere between $60-$120. Not to mention the joining fee $100-$150 and the monthly cost of the gym $80-$100 on top of the personal training session fees it gets pretty expensive quickly.

Keep in mind that 95% of personal trainers are paying rent at the gym they work at.  Anywhere from $260-$380 a week, so the reason why they have high training fees is to cover their rent, and not because they are worth it. They have bigger things to worry about than your results. If possible they will try to coax you into a contract and make you pay them a bundle upfront.

As you can see my personal training sessions might not be as expensive as you think. My rates are significantly lower then what other trainers would quote to you at your gym. I don’t put you on contracts, no joining fees or monthly billing. I also have over 15 years of experience, that is a life time worth of experience and knowledge.

This all might sound great to you, but you’re probably wondering where you are going to workout if not at your gym?

I have various and unique gym equipment that I can bring to your apartment, office, or home. I also have my own garage set up with enough equipment to get you a full proper workout. You don’t need a gym with fancy equipment and cluttered space. If you think about it, gyms are a rather novel invention. People didn’t spend hours doing dumbbell curls or walking the treadmills to get in shape in the past.

As an example, you’ve probably seen the movie 300. While that’s Hollywood, keep in mind that the Spartans weren’t spending two hours a day at their local gym. There are plenty of more effective ways to get in shape.

I also consult and approve with doctors, physiotherapists, dietitians and other allied health professionals to create health and fitness programs for all my clients.

Also note*

5 Things you can cut back on to afford personal training.

1. Buying Coffees-5$ a coffee/5 coffees a week=100$ per month.

2. Beer-Case of beer $50/1 case a week=$200 per month

3. Cigarettes-Pack of cigs $15/2 packs a week=$120 per month

4. Going out for dinner $100-$200/2 times a week=$800-$1600 per month

5. Going out for drinks after work $50-$100/ 2 times a week= $400-$800 per month

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