Rowing Machine Benefits


Muscle Workout
Rowing machines work on a large group of muscles at a single stretch. Hence, during rowing machine exercise there is a significant emphasis on the thighs, stomach, hips and torso, along with the pelvis that comes into act. This way, while exercising with rowing machine, the whole body gets toned up. Rowing machine benefits are also visible on the back of the upper arms and shoulders.

Strength Training
The most important benefit of the rowing machine is that it helps to strengthen the core muscles, that is the upper body muscles. While exercising on a rowing machine, a significant amount of resistance is placed on the upper body muscles. Hence, regular workout on a rowing machine adds strength to muscles in the chest, forearms and shoulders. Rowing machine also builds up the calf muscles to a certain extent. Rowing machines are also beneficial for strength building of heart and lung muscles as well.

Calorie Burning
Movement of the body helps burn the calories and since rowing machine requires a lot of movements of the body, it certainly helps to burn the excessive calories from the body. Calorie burning certainly helps to lose weight to a significant extent. Rowing machine burns out the calories and reduces lean muscle mass. Hence the body gets leaner and free from those added calories. This way those who are overweight can enjoy the benefits of a rowing machine.

Low Impact Machine
Rowing machine is very soft on the various joints since it is a low impact machine. Hence, no added stress is applied on the knees and elbows, like some of the other exercise equipments. So, even elderly people can benefit a lot from the rowing machine exercises. One can adjust the resistance, as well as the speed of the rowing machine as per the requirements so that the body doesn’t get overstressed.

Stress Reduction
Exercise, especially with rowing machine is a great stress buster when done on a regular basis. This is also an important yet underrated significance of the rowing machines. Exercising regularly on the rowing machine reduces anxiety disorders and stress to a great extent.

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Exercises for Great Looking Legs & Glutes


Several muscles make up the legs, but the four main muscles of the thighs are the quadriceps (quads, tops of thighs), bicep femoris (hamstrings, back of thighs), abductors (outer thighs) and adductors (inner thighs). The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles form the calf muscles. The buttocks’ largest muscle is the gluteus maximus (glutes). There’s no better way to shape these muscles than tried and true, basic exercises.


Most fitness experts and bodybuilders agree there is no better lower body exercise than squats. Squats work the quads, glutes and adductors.


Intense stress is placed on all the muscles of the thighs and glutes of the working leg. The length of the lunge determines contraction in the thigh and hip. With a longer lunge, more emphasis is on the glute muscle.


The Deadlift is a compound exercise targeting several muscle groups including the latissimus dorsi, trapezius, erector spinae, gluteals, hamstrings, quadriceps, and psoas (hip flexors). Your forearm muscles, which are involved in gripping the bar, are used to a lesser degree, as well as muscles involved in trunk stabilization such as your obliques.

Calf Raises

Calf Raises work the muscles of the calves, one of the densest muscles in the body and the most difficult to develop. Although genetics play a strong role in calf size, calf raises can stimulate and encourage muscle growth and definition.

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