Below are seven steps and ideas to get your body and mind back on track, from overcoming a major set back in your life.
1. Try and keep the circumstances or situation in perspective. Will this be as big an issue in 10 years as it is today?
2 Evaluate the situation in light of your entire life.
3. Focus on what you have, not what you lost. This isn’t any easy step when you are neck deep in pain, sorrow or grief, but continuing to focus on what is no longer tends to keep you locked in the past and a state of ‘no positive action’.
4. Do something, anything to re-focus your thoughts, energy or activities in a positive or more healthy direction.
5. If it is a loss of a relationship or loved one, remember all that you had with them that was good and positive.
6. Remember you can’t change what has happened, but you can change the future. You change your future in your present moments. You also create all of your positive or negative memories in your present moments.
7. Keep in mind the concept that you don’t always get to determine what comes into your life, but you always get the choice of how to react or respond to it.