Top 30 Foods For A Healthy Diet

1. Tuna:

Tuna is a great source of lean protein, with very little fat and no carbs. Good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Tuna is also rich in selenium, magnesium, potassium, and the B vitamins niacin, B1, and B6.

2. Enova Oil:

A great source of fat, especially while cutting. Increases the body’s ability to burn fat, and may improve appetite control and energy. Has a nice light taste as well, and goes well with many foods.

3. Spinach:

Spinach is extremely high in Vitamin C, as well as Vitamin A, Vitamin E, and many antioxidants. Also high in folic acid and iron, spinach has been shown to be quite potent in the prevention of cancer. Spinach is also great to eat alongside your red meat.

4. Grapefruit:

Great source of Vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. Also high in folate, iron, and calcium. Grapefruit is one of the best fruits to use while cutting as it contains naringin, which is known to be helpful for fat-loss, and is also known to increase the body’s ability to absorb Vitamin C.

Words Of Caution However: Grapefruit may interact with many different medications. It is recommended that if you are on any medications, that you check whether or not grapefruit will interact with the medication. This is because grapefruit juice can increase the absorption of many medications significantly.

5. Eggs / Egg Whites:

Eggs are a complete protein source, and contain many vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, B6, B12, riboflavin, folate, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. I recommend both whole eggs and egg whites, but you must remember to cook your egg whites if you are going to eat them alone. This is because raw egg whites contain avidin, which is very effective at binding biotin. This could lead to a deficiency if they are not cooked properly or taken along with the yolk.

6. Skim / Low-Fat Milk:

Milk contains a good amount of high-quality protein, and also a moderate amount of carbs. It is a good idea to sip on skim milk between meals, as it is fairly anti-catabolic.

Milk is high in calcium, which may aid in fat-loss. Milk is rich in Vitamin D and K and also contains lactoferrin, which is a powerful anti-oxidant. The CLA in milk may also be useful in reducing body-fat and preventing certain types of cancer.

7. Non-Fat / Low-Fat Cottage Cheese:

High in protein, and low in fat. Also a great source of calcium, cottage cheese is great to use while cutting. Cottage cheese is especially useful for eating before bed, as it will help prevent catabolism during the long night. It is a great natural source of glutamine.

Cottage cheese is much cheaper than casein as well, so if you don’t mind the taste, then it is highly recommended that you go pick some up during your cutting phases!

8. Salmon:

Great source of Omega 3. Also a high-quality protein source, containing all essential amino acids. Rich in Vitamins A, D, B6, and B12.

9. Beans:

Great for controlling appetite, and are fairly inexpensive. Also having a great source of fiber, beans are quite nutrient-dense. The carbohydrates in beans are quite low GI (glycemic-index) as well, which makes them slightly more suitable for a cutting diet.

10. Oatmeal:

High-quality source of carbohydrates, and contains a moderate amount of protein. Great for post-workout, especially while cutting, so that you may avoid simple sugars. Helps to keep you full, mostly due to its high fiber content. Oatmeal is also great for lowering cholesterol.

11. Olive Oil:

Great source of healthy monounsaturated fats, and is also high in Omega 9 fatty acids. Contains powerful antioxidants as well. Make sure to get the “extra virgin” variety however, as it has more nutrients.

12. Walnuts:

An excellent source of Omega 3s. Walnuts may also be helpful in lowering cholesterol. Also, walnuts are high in melatonin which can help with sleeping issues as well as protecting against cancer and heart disease. Walnuts are also known to be helpful for fat-loss.

“People following a moderate fat weight-loss diet, including peanuts and tree nuts, such as walnuts, were shown to improve weight-loss and keep weight off for a longer period of time than people following a traditional low fat diet.”
– International Journal of Obesity

13. Peanut / Almond Butter:

A great source of healthy fats along with moderate protein. Also is quite good tasting. Also a great source of Magnesium and Vitamin E. Their nutritional profiles are quite similar. Peanut butter and almond butter are both quite beneficial during cutting, but really it is mostly based on taste preference.

14. Chicken:

Chicken is a great lean meat right alongside tuna. It is quite good tasting and works well with many different foods.

15. Broccoli:

Ounce for ounce, broccoli has more Vitamin C than an orange, and as much calcium as a glass of milk. Broccoli is quite rich in Vitamin A. Also contains many powerful cancer-fighting properties. It is recommended that you do not microwave your broccoli however, as this kills off many of the powerful antioxidants.

16. Strawberries:

Good source of fiber to keep you full, and high in Vitamin C. Also high in folic acid, potassium, and many antioxidants.

17. Asparagus:

Asparagus is a great food to keep you full between meals. Good source of folic acid, fiber, Vitamin C, potassium, and beta-carotene.

18. Celery:

Has many unique health benefits. High in tryptophan, folic acid, fiber, calcium, and many other vitamins and minerals. Has long been recognized for its blood pressure lowering benefits.

19. Sweet Potatoes:

A great food for adding to your “carb meals” while cutting. Has been shown to lower insulin resistance, and help stabilize blood sugar levels. High in fiber, beta carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and potassium.

20. Garlic:

Has a powerful anti-oxidant effect, and is very helpful in boosting the immune system. Has been shown to be a powerful antibiotic. Great for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure.

21. Sesame Seed Oil:

All the talk about loosing weight lately seems to center around a substance called Sesamin. Sesamin is a lignan only found in Sesame Seeds. It decreases fat storage and increases fat oxidization, and therefore can be extremely beneficial for those wanting to loose weight.

Sesamin works by activating a receptor in the human body (PPARalpha) which has a major role in oxidizing fats and how they are stored. It does this by increasing the enzymes involved in the oxidation of fatty acids1.

The reason Sesame Oil is recommended over eating seeds is that the oil will provide the same amount of sesamin per serve, but is a lot less concentrated in fats than seeds are. I would recommend one tablespoon of oil per day, or if you’re prefer eating seeds, then take in 50 grams per serve with calories in mind.

22. Salmon:

Protein needs to be high at this time to ensure muscle-loss doesn’t occur, and salmon is one of the best choices because it is low in saturated fats, while also providing valuable Omega 3’s.

It contains the essential fatty acids DHA and EPA, of which the body is unable to manufacture without the assistance of the diet. The reason salmon, and other fish high in Omega-3 are so valuable is that unlike flaxseed Oil, DHA and EPA are readily available without conversion.

Omega 3 DHA and EPA will help fat loss by stabilizing insulin levels which are one of the main causes of storing excess fat, as well as aid in energy production. As a side-benefit, fish is also said to protect against cardiovascular disease, making it an all-round good choice.

23. White Kidney Beans:

White Kidney beans do not only carry all the health benefits of legumes, but also contain 2500 anti-amylase units per serving. These block carbohydrate digesting enzymes and help reduce carbohydrate absorption. This means less carbohydrates are absorbed, and as a result, less fat storage.

Some may even find they are able to increase their carbohydrate intake when eating kidney beans. This means you are able to eat more food, which is one of the drawbacks of cutting.

On top of being a carb-blocker, white kidney bean is also a highly nutritious food that is high in protein, very low in fat, while containing many vitamins and minerals. Like all legumes, such as butter beans and lentils, the white kidney bean is very slowly absorbed, which means it will keep you full for longer.

24. Green Teas:

Green Tea has been long-known as a thermogenic, while aiding in fat-loss. Green tea can be consumed through teabags to get this desired effect. 2-3 cups of green tea per day is ideal for fat loss, preferably consumed at equal intervals.

Green tea also contains the compounds Polyphenols and Catechins, which works as an antioxidant in the body. Antioxidants work by fending off the negative affects of free-radicals, which can be induced by heavy training.

25. Leafy Green Vegetables:

These are packed full of nutrition and are an excellent choice to compliment any meal. Green leafy vegetables, as well as most other vegetables, contain significant amounts of fiber which help slow down the rate of absorption of the other foods in your meal.

Eating vegetables is a good habit to get into because it encourages a large portion of your meals to come from vegetable sources, which are bulky and filling with minimal calories. You can also be rest assured that you’re taking care of your health and getting your 5 servings.

Additionally, all vegetables contain phytonutrients, substances only found in natural foods. These have an array of health benefits. Good choices of leafy greens are raw salads, spinach, romaine lettuce, bok choy, silverbeet, sprouts and cabbage.

26. Flaxseed Oil:

Flaxseed Oil is the most highly concentrated form of Omega 3’s in existence. Each serve contains a whopping 8 grams of ALA. ALA is vital for fat loss as it helps in the regulation of glucose which is important for carbohydrate equilibrium. ALA also aids the body in effectively metabolizing fats. Both of these make it a great choice for those cutting.

As well as Flaxseed Oil’s fat burning properties, it also an energy booster, boosts brain health and learning and protects the heart.

27. Grapefruit:

Grapefruit has long been known as a food that aids in fat loss. Although many studies have been conducted and we are still not sure what ingredients contribute to its weight loss, I’ve read about enough people who have had success with eating the fruit to recommend it.

I do know grapefruit is a low GI food, one of the slowest absorbing fruits, as well as being high in vitamin C and flavonoids for energy production and immunity.

However, it is also highly acidic, so I wouldn’t recommend too much. When weight loss is your goal, half a grapefruit a day as part of an overall fat-burning diet-plan should work.

28. Tomatoes:

This is a food that isn’t highly talked about when it comes to fat loss, but when I personally try to cut weight, I always include tomatoes as a staple food. I find it helps regulate my appetite, as well increasing mood.

I was doing some investigating and tomatoes contain 2 naturally occurring brain chemicals called serotonin and endorphins. Both, especially serotonin, play a vital role in suppressing appetite by sending signals to the brain that make you feel satisfied.

Tomatoes are very low in calories. They also contain a compound called lypocene that gives tomatoes its rich red color, and is said to protect against cancer.

29. Whole-Grain Bread:

Foods for bulking and cutting should be different. When bulking you can afford to eat foods more highly concentrated in carbs such as your rices and wholemeal breads, but when cutting its important to find foods that fill you up with less carbs. I think wholegrain breads are one of the best options here.

They contain just half the amount of carbs per serve compared to rice, and at the same time are higher in protein, full of nutrients, and encourage you to eat less. All I need is 3 slices with each meal, equivalent to 30 g. Carbs, whereas I need 1 1/2 cups of rice to give me the same fullness (around 70 grams carbs).

Look for whole grain bread with moderate sodium, a variety of grains and one that is high in protein. Soy and linseed bread is an excellent choices as its high in Omega 3, proteins and very slowly absorbed.

30. Vegemite:

Vegemite is in my opinion one of nature’s best super-foods. Vegemite contains an abundance of nutrients needed for fat loss, and is full of protein. Each serving can contain up to 10 grams of protein, while providing all the essential aminos in a very balanced way.

Some of these nutrients include a high level of the mineral chromium. Chromium helps regulate insulin levels and will keep you away from eating excess carbohydrates. It is also nature’s highest source B-vitamins, which have a major in how the body uses the carbohydrates you ingest, and can therefore prevent fat-storage.

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Foods you should have in your Daily Diet


Dark berries
Main vitamin or nutrient: Antioxidants

One benefit of consuming dark berries — such as blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, and raspberries — is that they keep your body clean by eliminating toxins and pollutants. The dark pigments in these super foods have a more powerful amount of antioxidants than any other produce offered at the supermarket.

Antioxidants in your food can save you from almost anything when it comes to your health, and this includes slowing down the aging process. The dye that is released from the skin of this fruit is the most nutritious part because it is the richest in these age-defying, disease-fighting antioxidants.

Aside from keeping you looking and feeling young, antioxidants prevent illnesses and ailments that come with age. For one, dark berries lower bad cholesterol and they are more cardio-protective than wine — so eat your heart out, and your heart will thank you later. Another way they slow age-related diseases is by protecting your brain from memory-related problems, such as Alzheimer’s or loss of memory after a stroke.

You can eat your way out of cancer, viruses and memory loss, and you can seriously slow the aging process with these dark spurts of goodness, so add them to your power shakes or your cereal in the morning.

Alternatives: Plums, cherries, red wine

Main vitamin or nutrient: Fiber and protein

Beans are high in fiber, which is beneficial for a number of reasons. Fiber is necessary for maintaining a healthy digestive system. It moves easily and quickly through the digestive tract, cleaning it and allowing it to function properly. Regular amounts of fiber in the diet have been shown to help ward off certain digestive illnesses, including irritable bowel syndrome and colon cancer.

The fiber in beans also helps people maintain or lose weight. This is because high-fiber foods have a low glycemic index, which means that your blood sugar levels will not rise quickly after you eat them. Beans are a low-calorie food that will make you feel full and curb your cravings for higher-calorie foods. Blood sugar levels remain more stable when beans are included in meals, so they make an excellent choice for dieters.

Beans are also high in protein, which is the building block for skin tissue, hair, bones, nails, muscles, and blood. They are a great source of protein because, unlike meat, beans supply it without the cholesterol and fat. So eat your beans and build those lean muscles you’re after.

Alternatives: Tofu, peas, lentils

Kiwi fruit
Main vitamin or nutrient: Vitamin C

If you travel a lot, sleep weird hours or are stressed out, chances are your immune system is low. Vitamin C is necessary for the healthy functioning of the immune system, and kiwis are higher in vitamin C than oranges or any other commonly known fruit.

Not only is vitamin C the primary antioxidant that destroys free radicals and helps lower the rate of certain types of illnesses, but consuming it daily can protect the body against respiratory problems, such as asthma or dry coughs.

Also, eating kiwifruit once a day can lower the risk of blood clots in the body, preventing heart attacks and strokes. In fact, kiwis can replace the daily aspirin people with heart problems are required to take, because they prevent clotting in the vessels that supply the brain and heart with blood.

Alternatives: Oranges, papayas

Main vitamin or nutrient: Beta-carotene and alpha-carotene

For hundreds of years, carrots have been thought to promote good vision, and modern researchers have proven this belief to be true. Carrots are especially good at improving night vision because the body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, which is absorbed by the retina. There, it is transformed into a pigment that aids night vision. Consuming beta-carotene also prevents the eyes from getting cataracts. Think about it: If you eat your carrots now, you’ll be able to check out babes when you’re 95. Not a bad deal.

Carrots keep your cells communicating as well. Beta-carotene promotes cell-to-cell communication, which is good for tissue maintenance and repair. Good cell communication also prevents your cells from going wacko and getting cancerous on you. But beta-carotene isn’t the only cancer inhibitor in carrots: Scientists are finding that alpha-carotene is even better than beta-carotene at preventing tumor growth.

Carrots are also good for your skin. Having a sufficient amount of beta-carotene in the body will protect it from common skin problems and diseases. For example, if you’re in the sun a lot, carrots help protect the skin against the damage caused by UV rays.

On the other hand, if you’re a workaholic and you don’t get enough sun, adding carrots to your daily diet will give your skin a nice tanned look. The orange color in beta-carotene gets deposited under the skin. Eat your carrots daily, and you’ll impress the ladies with a healthy “outdoorsman” glow.

Alternatives: Sweet potatoes, winter squash

Chili peppers
Main vitamin or nutrient: Capsaicin

If you’re an active guy, you want your body to be in top shape so you can get the highest level of performance when you’re busy functioning in full force. Capsaicin is a nutrient found in chili peppers that is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps improve circulation. Chili peppers literally clean your blood of mucus and toxins, making it easy for oxygen to be supplied to your cells, so this spicy beast will keep you in top shape for years to come.

Also, contrary to popular belief that spicy peppers cause stomach ailments, chili peppers help fight off ulcers. So if you have a weak stomach and a high level of stress in your life, add chili peppers to your diet to avoid painful stomach problems.

Even more important is that chili peppers help prevent prostate cancer, a leading killer in cancer-related deaths among men. So get the inside of your mouth fireproofed for this spicy number and keep your body ablaze.

Alternatives: Cayenne pepper, jalapeno peppers

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