Tire Flips



The first concept to consider is the fact that the tire flip is not a deadlift; it is more like a hack squat. The movement is generated solely from the lower body, the
arms merely lock onto the tire. Do not attempt to lift the tire with your arms or serious injury can occur.

To set up properly you want your arms slightly bent and in a comfortable position. Your feet should be back away from the tire and your chest up against it. Your
back is flat and your hips are low. Lockdown your upper body and drive from your legs to extend your hips, knees, and ankles. When you do this your hips should
be propelling the tire simultaneously upward and forward. Your body should remain close to the tire at all times as you quickly rotate your hands and follow through
until it is completely flipped.

Some tires are heavy and you may only be able to lift it waist high; at this point, drive one of your knees against the tire to prop it up until you can get your hands
turned and your hips adjusted to complete the flip. You can train tire flips in two ways: you can flip a heavy tire for strength and power production or go with a lighter tire to work more volume and train your endurance and conditioning.

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