If you’ve ever wondered why we keep getting sicker and sicker and fatter and fatter this video is the answer. If you place no limits on the junk food you eat you will inevitably get sick
That old man had a crazy idea. “And that crazy idea is that PREVENTION is the answer! Not the mere treatment of symptoms.”
You are what you eat and an apple a day keeps the doctors away. In over a hundred years of FDA drugs there has not been 1 cure for any disease merely the alleviation of symptoms. The only thing Big Pharma has gotten from the barrel of oil their drugs are made of is antibiotics.
Video by Dr. Mercola and coded here by Dr. Fishman
Hey Fishman are you serious? All these drugs are made from barrels of Iraqi oil? Why oil?
Well my Goy friend. It all started with William Rockefeller the celebrated cancer specialist. He was the most prolific snake oil salesman in the world. You see Gerch, in order to make money from drugs you need a patent. Since vitamins and minerals cannot be patented the Big drug companies get their drugs from barrels of oil.