Pre Workout Fuel


Here are some good slow digesting (low glycemic index) pre workout foods:

1. Apples
2. Oranges
3. Grapes
4. Grapefruit
5. 1/2 cup of pasta
6. A few slices of whole grain bread
7. Oats
8. Yogurt
9. Nuts
10. 1/2 cup of brown rice

Let’s be realistic though, there are times when you don’t have time to eat 2 to 3 hours before working out. In this case, you should turn to faster digesting foods which will give you a quick short burst of energy. They should be eaten 20 to 60 minutes before your workout.

Here are some good fast digesting (high glycemic index) pre workout foods:

1. Bananas
2. Raisins
3. Energy Bars

Here are some of the factors affecting how foods are rated:

* How much fiber is in a food.
Foods with higher fiber content take longer to digest.

* Sugar content.
Sugar is quickly digested and released into the blood stream.

* Fructose (fruit sugar).
Fructose is a simple sugar, but takes longer to digest because it must go to the liver first to be
converted into glucose and then sent back to your bloodstream where your body can use it for energy.

* Raw or cooked.
Cooking makes a food more digestible. Raw foods take longer to digest.

* Protein content.
Approx. 65 percent of protein becomes glucose, but it takes 6-8 hours to do so. Foods with protein take
longer to digest.

* Fat.
Fat takes longer to digest, and therefore has a stabilizing affect on blood sugar.

* Processing.
Processed foods tend to have fiber removed, and therefore are quickly digested.

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