Client of the Month (September)


Saleh Racheha

This guy is a work horse. Only 16 years old, he is young,bright and Keen. This kid is going to have it made in a few years time. Saleh has really shown me what he is made off, with his efforts at the all male elite group training sessions. He is making great gains to his body. Full Functional Steroid free body. He is just another great true Natural kid out there. He reminds me of myself, willing to endure massive amounts of pain in order to better his body and performance. With the right guidance and direction in life, the sky will be the limit for Saleh.

“Settling for a second rate trainer, is settling for second rate results.”

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17 thoughts on “Client of the Month (September)

  1. Hey thank you very much Bruno , im so happy that u think im ur client of the month hopefully ill be training with you as soon as possible and ill prove how much better i can train, im plannin on getting client of the month again with the hard training u put me through, thanks once again c u soon, peace

  2. this guy looks like a loser, he should focus less on his body and more on his studies. who cares if u have a good body, its not gonna take you very far in life

  3. Hey Max, you sound like a complete moron wank. Don’t hate. Just cause you have a shit body and life. Don’t spread your venom on others. Do the world a favor. Stick your nut sak in your dresser drawer and slam that mother fucker shut.

  4. Great work Saleh. For Bruno to name you client of the month, must mean you are a freaking machine. congrats bro!

  5. Bruno is a freak! I love his videos. I can’t wait to see some of you in action mate. Good on you Saleh

  6. YO YO YOO to all my haters n fans thnax allot its becouse of people like max that make me train harder i dont mind all the hating Max just gets me allot more pumped to make people like u much more jelous couse i know im putting my hard work in little do i know if ur at home sitting on a couch eating a bowl of chips, and thanx allot to the nice people Greg, Chris, Keith, xaviour n TPTrash and mostly The worlds greatest PT bruno, my man without u i wouldnt have a clue btw ive leaned up allot more since that photo lol hahaha
    peacee outt ?

  7. YO YO YOO its becouse of people like max that make me train harder i dont mind all the hating Max just gets me allot more pumped to make people like u much more jelous couse i know im putting my hard work in little do i know if ur at home sitting on a couch eating a bowl of chips, and thanx allot to the nice people Greg, Chris, Keith, xaviour n TPTrash and mostly The worlds greatest PT bruno, my man without u i wouldnt have a clue btw ive leaned up allot more since that photo lol hahaha
    peacee outt ?

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