Cardiovascular Challenge on the Rowing Machine

If you don’t have access to a track, or need the cardiovascular challenge without the impact on your legs, rowing is a great solution. It takes roughly the same time to cover distance in running and rowing, so workouts can be easily transferred.

Rowing is like running in that you are in complete control of the intensity. To get a faster running time, you have to make yourself run faster. To get a faster rowing time, you need to make yourself row faster. This means using your legs, back/core and arms to generate as much power as you can.

The Workout

Workout Goal
Simulate a track workout without the pounding.

Workout Details

1. Row easily for 5 minutes to warm-up; get off and stretch briefly if you want to.
2. Row 2 sets of (4 x 400m) as follows:
1. Row 400m at moderate intensity.
2. Row easily for 1 minute.
3. Repeat for a total of 4 400’s.
4. Row easily for 3 minutes.
5. Repeat for another set of 4 400’s.
6. Row easily again for 3 minutes.
3. Row easily for 5 minutes to cool down.
4. Stretch.

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