Common Form-Technique Mistakes And Solutions


Using momentum during bicep curls

How to fix this:
This is a very common mistake. Many people try to use the momentum generated by swaying their bodies to help hoist the weights up toward their shoulders. This creates a lot of stress on the shoulder girdle, and if the weight is heavy enough, it can even knock you off balance. You will benefit more if you lift a lighter weight and isolate the bicep muscle. To reduce your chances of using momentum, perform the exercise while sitting on a bench or standing with your back against a wall.

Arching your back during a military press

How to fix this:
Think of squeezing your glute muscles while you are lifting the weight over your head. This should help bring your back into alignment and prevent what is commonly called a “sway back” position.

Not aligning your feet over your knees during squats

How to fix this:
This is a problem that can result in serious knee issues. A good way to prevent this is to always perform your squats in front of a mirror to ensure that you are placing your knees directly over your toes. You must only go down as far as is comfortable for you; if you try to go lower than your joints will allow you, your knees will move out of alignment.

Lifting your back off the bench during a bench press

How to fix this:
Whenever you lift a large amount of weight, it is a natural action to arch your back, as it feels like it helps you generate more force. While you may feel like you’re stronger, the increased risk of injury is significant. To prevent this from occurring, think of pressing the small of your back against the bench. If you can fit more than the width of your flat hand under your back, you need to lighten the weight. In addition, it is always a good idea to use a spotter for safety precautions during this exercise.

Arching your back during bent-over rows

How to fix this:
Look up while performing the exercise; this will help keep your spine in alignment. Also, if you perform it in front of a mirror, you can ensure that a “hump”
doesn’t form in your back. Instead, it should resemble a tabletop.

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