There Are No “Special” Exercises That Build A Peak, Or Shape A Muscle


How can I build the peak on my biceps like Yours? I was told that preacher curls build a peak, is this true?

You will need to clone yourself and mix in a copy of My anatomical DNA! Just kiddding.

Unfortunately, a peak on your biceps is genetic, meaning you either have it or you do not. If you build your biceps just as you would any other muscle group, and a peak never forms, then it probably never will.

There are no “special” exercises that build a peak, or shape a muscle. You train a muscle and it grows, whatever genetic shape it has that is how it will grow. It really is that simple.

So continue to train your biceps, utilizing many different exercises, e.g. chin ups, preacher curls, barbell curls, & dumbbell curls, hopefully you are one of the few lucky ones like me that where gifted with “peaked” biceps.

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