Muscles & Alcohol


Alcohol and growth hormones

One major issue with the consumption of alcohol has to do with its effects on the release of growth hormone. Growth hormone is the substance in the body that plays a very large role when it comes to building muscle, stimulating other cell growth and development, and promoting optimal bone growth. When this hormone is low, you aren’t going to get the same amount of muscle development as you would when it’s at an optimal level.

Growth hormone is predominately secreted during the early sleeping hours of the night and because alcohol tends to disrupt the natural sleep rhythms that occur, it will decrease the amount of growth hormone released. This decrease can be up to as much as 70%, so it will really short-circuit the progress you are able to make.

Alcohol and testosterone

The next factor to consider is alcohol’s effect on testosterone. As you likely know, testosterone is another huge hormone associated with muscle growth and is the reason why men carry a great deal more muscle mass than women (since men have more testosterone flowing through their bodies).

When you consume alcohol, however, a substance is produced in the liver that is toxic to the release of testosterone. This substance decreases the concentration of testosterone in the body, resulting in lower muscle mass and definition.

Alcohol and recovery

Another area that alcohol affects when it comes to muscle building is your ability to recover. Since alcohol is a toxin to the body, energy is going to have to be expended in order to remove it from the system and to recover from any negative effects it has had on the tissues.

Since this takes time and energy reserves, you won’t have as much energy in store to recover from your workouts, therefore you will not be as fresh when you return for your next gym session.

Alcohol and dehydration

Dehydration is another issue you have to watch out for if you choose to drink alcohol while trying to build muscle and work out. Since alcohol acts as a diuretic in the body, unless you are sure to replace the extra fluid with water or another non-alcoholic beverage that doesn’t contain caffeine, your natural water balance will be disrupted.

Dehydration has a number of negative effects on the body, from inducing feelings of fatigue to causing low physical performance, making you feel hungrier (which is especially problematic while dieting), and disrupting the ability of the muscle cells to produce ATP — which is your primary source of muscular energy.

Alcohol and glycogen synthesis

Aside from ATP, the next source for muscular work is stored muscle glycogen. Unfortunately, though, when you consume alcoholic beverages, alcohol synthesis will take precedence over glycogen synthesis, resulting in decreased stores in the muscle cells.

When you go to do your next workout, your body will have less energy to run on, causing fatigue to set in early.

When your workouts are ended prematurely , you won’t derive as many benefits in terms of increases in strength since the necessary overloading stimulus (which is partly defined through volume of weights lifted) will not be increased.

Alcohol and aerobic ability

If you aren’t as concerned with your strength levels and figure this means alcohol is a safe bet for you, you may want to think again. Even when it comes to aerobic activities, alcohol affects performance.

In this scenario, alcohol can cause an increase in blood pressure throughout the body and a corresponding increase in heart rate.

Since your heart will already be working at an increased rate during aerobic activities, the additional stress from the alcohol will only amplify the heart rate and make the exercise feel harder than it should.

Alcohol and body fat

Finally, the last issue surrounding alcohol consumption is that it contains calories, and these do add up quickly. Typically, you’ll likely find yourself drinking beer, wine or hard liquors, which do contain fewer calories than the fancier, sweeter-tasting cocktails that women often drink, so at least that’s an advantage.

Still, at seven calories per gram, after three or four drinks, these calories would equal a good-sized meal. Unless you are going to cut down on food intake in order to make room for these calories (which is rare, as usually you’ll actually find yourself snacking on high-calorie items such as nuts, pizza, wings or nachos), fat gain will result.

Alcohol and muscles don’t usually get along, so consume with care.

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Top 10 ways to change your diet


1. Plan Ahead: You need to plan so you know what to do now and what you’re going to do going forward. Without a plan even the best diet and exercise program can get derailed when you run into adversity. You should know what kind of diet you are going to use to lose weight. Low carb, low fat and low calorie diets all work well, which path will you be following? Each of us will lose weight differently on different diets.

2. Learn how to Grocery Shop: Grocery shopping goes hand in hand with planning ahead. You need to know what choices you are going to make BEFORE you get to the grocery store. If you don’t know what you’re looking for then the marketers will surely sabotage your diet efforts once you get in the store. Learn what to buy and how to make a list and you’ll be one step ahead in your diet planning.

3. Understand there is no magic bullet: Some people will get discouraged and lose their initial enthusiasm when they begin an exercise or diet program because they expect overnight success or a ‘magic bullet’. It’s important to understand that no exercise program or diet book can cure a lifetime of bad eating habits. Nothing will happen overnight, but small daily changes and successes will add up in the long run. If you continually encourage yourself and work towards improving your habits on a daily basis you will make improvements and create a healthier you.

4. Understand Motivation: You should know why you want to lose weight. General reasons like ‘looking better’ or ‘becoming more healthy’ are not enough to keep you motivated and keep that fire burning for the long haul. If you want to change your behavior and keep your motivation high you’ll need specific reasons to lose weight that are goal oriented. I want to lose 20 pounds in the next 3 months is a specific and measurable goal. Weight loss sounds good until Friday at 5 PM rolls around and it’s time for you and your friends or co-workers to go out and “kick back” after a long, hard week. Remember, you need to find the fire within, the motivation to drive you daily, to reach your goals.

5. Self-Monitor: One of the most valuable things you can do is to self-monitor your own behaviors. Self-monitoring is the observation and recording of a specific behavior. This can be as simple as placing a check mark on a calendar when you achieve a certain behavior or as detailed as writing down everything about a behavior (i.e. time, date, location, specific details, emotions). Often people are not aware of their own behaviors and self-monitoring can increase awareness. This is especially true for your diet. I would be willing to bet most of us have no idea how many calories we eat in a day or where they come from. The simple exercise of writing down or tracking what you eat for a week can be very enlightening.

6. Problem-Solve: Studies have shown that those who used behavior change and problem-solving strategies when losing weight did better at maintaining weight loss than those who merely used behavior change strategies. Problem solving means you find the real problem that is keeping you from reaching your goals. Once you’ve found the problem you can then create possible solutions to overcome the problem taking into consideration your lifestyle, personality and the likelihood of success. Choose one of the strategies and evaluate how successful it is in helping you solve the problem. If necessary change to a different strategy, but make sure you are working on overcoming the problem daily.

Seek out the best solution for each problem you face. Long hours at work, social settings, traveling for business, etc.; each present different challenges to your weight loss efforts, and will require unique strategies. Be creative.

7. Work with a friend(s) or your spouse: It’s been proven that social support improves weight loss and the ability to keep the weight off. You can use this to your advantage by getting a group of friends and/or family members together on a plan and working towards a goal. You are much more likely to exercise regularly if you know there will be friends there to meet you. It helps to keep you more accountable and can also help because of the peer pressure or competitive nature of people. And the support of friends and family can be just the little extra you need when trying to break through a barrier or plateau to the next level.

8. Train like you mean it: Don’t simply go through the motions when you’re in the gym. Make this time count! By training hard you’ll not only burn more calories right now, but you’ll also boost your metabolism to burn more calories later. You want to keep your rest between sets to 60 seconds or less and you shouldn’t be spending more than 60 minutes in the gym. Train hard and get out! Remember your goal is weight loss and you won’t get that by socializing or slacking off.

9. Learn to Read Food Labels: This goes hand in hand with rule #2, learning to grocery shop. You would think this would be easy, but it does take some degree of understanding. For example, the nutrition information shows the nutrients based on each serving. There may be 2 or 4 or even 10 servings per package so you need to know that and how to determine your proper portions and the quality of the foods. It also helps in finding the proper proportions of macro nutrients which is very important in most diet plans.

10. Eat Breakfast: I’m sure you’ve heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and if you haven’t then I’m telling you now. Don’t skip breakfast. Not only has research shown that those who eat breakfast regularly consume higher levels of many nutrients, but it has also shown time and time again that those who eat breakfast daily have lower body fat levels and body weights. Breakfast gets your body started, gives you energy and charges up your metabolism. It is also the best time of the day to eat carbohydrates when you’re on a low carb diet because the carbs will provide your body with energy throughout the day. It’s not good to skip any meal, but breakfast is the worst meal of all to skip.

No matter when you decide to start losing weight or what diet plan you use there will always be difficult situations and barriers to changing your eating and exercise habits. As with any area of your life significant changes take desire, willpower, motivation and a change in your mindset. It’s easy to fall back into your comfortable patterns and skip the gym or stop for a pizza for dinner instead of taking 20 minutes to prepare a healthy meal. It’s up to you, but realize that if you don’t make the change now then when will you? The time to change is right now!

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