Steps to Strengthening Your Rotator Cuff Muscles

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor. They surround the shoulder joint and provide stability while the shoulder joint is moving. These muscles are extremely important in all shoulder movements, especially overhead and rotational. Knowledge about ways to strengthen these muscles can help improve function and prevent injuries.

Step 1

Begin with isometric contractions, where you make a muscle contraction without causing any joint motion. Push into a wall going forward, out to the sides, rotating inward and rotating outward.

Step 2

Use light weights to strengthening through the complete range of motion. Raise arm up in front of you, out to the side as if doing jumping jack, rotating outward and rotating inward. The rotation should be done with elbow bent and in standing/sitting or laying on your side.

Step 3

Increase resistance as you can tolerate, but research shows in oder to improve overall muscle strength you need to use 60-80% of one repetition maximum.

Step 4

Progress to diagonal and more functional motions that required higher level of stability. Do exercises that require you to elevate your shoulder by taking it across your body and then rotating inward or outward.

Step 5

Train the muscles ability to react quickly and improve power production. Performing activities such as throwing and catching require the shoulder muscles to react quickly and forcefully in order to slow the momentum of the throw.

Step 6

Preform shoulder strengthening activities in weight bearing position such as hands and knees, which requires complex shoulder girdle stability.

Step 7

Then progress these childbearing activities to be done on an unstable surface such as a Swiss ball or soft mat to challenge kinesthetic awareness.

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Muscular Endurance

Muscular endurance can be defined as the ability of muscles to endure over a period of time when they are in active use. Put another way, muscular endurance is the ability of muscles to be put through repeated contractions without weakening.

Examples of muscular endurance can be found on all fitness levels, from jogging and weight lifting to crossfit and even some strength-based Pilates programs. Muscular endurance can also be found in everyday life, such as walking numerous flights of stairs to your office or carrying your toddler through the store while grocery shopping.

Muscular endurance is different than muscular strength. Muscular strength is the amount of force put into a particular move (or contraction). The two together, muscular strength and endurance, go hand in hand in order for anyone to achieve any type of mid to high activity level every day. Muscular endurance does more than just get you through an intense workout, though it certainly does help with that.

4 ways Muscular endurance helps

1. Stamina

Those with muscular endurance find an ability to press though and keep going, no matter what they are doing. It may be an intense workout program, but it also may be a hike with friends, shoveling the snow or hoeing the garden. Muscles that are used repeatedly and have a high level of endurance do not tire easily when day-to-day demands require that they be used.

2. Increased Metabolism

Muscles do not have endurance unless they are toned and firm. Bodies that contain toned muscle, though not completely without excess fat, usually have less fat on them. Because muscles burn calories more efficiently and quickly than fat does, those with muscular endurance find themselves with quicker metabolisms, which in turn, can lead to healthy weight levels.

3. Fewer Injuries

Muscles that have endurance are not as prone to muscle strains and tears as muscles that do not have endurance to them. That is because these muscles are used to the actions they are being put through, and instead of being unduly strained, are able to respond properly to the demands being put on them.

4. Extended Workout Times

Muscles that have built up their endurance are able to keep being put through the same actions repeatedly, thereby allowing a person to extend and intensify workout sessions. This results in a full-circle type of situation, in that a person who is able to extend his workout time is able to build up more muscular endurance, which in turn allows for a longer workout time, continuing the cycle.

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